Time with family
Time to care for my mum
Time spent on ‘my beaches’ walking and swimming
Time to read.
Thirty-one #books read
1600 kilometres of #walking accumulated
#Pilates in the park with @mrpilates
Thousands of #photographs taken.
A wonderful holiday in #Scotland
Beach combing on #Arran
Exploring and relaxation with friends
Puffins on #Staffa!
#Pfizer one, two and three
First time in business class
Two weddings on video
Two funerals on video
Even more video calls
Anti-racism journey goes up a gear
More coaching.
A new work friend.
Walks with an old school friend
Twenty-four hours with a uni friend
Meeting Mum’s friends
Neighbour-friend back in #London for two weeks!
#Gallery visits
#Theatre trips
Visit to #Peterborough to see a friend
Visit to #Sussex gardens and walks with friends
Friends who go above and beyond
Friends who think of Mum and me at random times
Friends who show me that they care
Friends of Mum’s who also care.
@3DCoaching mastery by Claire
@MBTI Company by Helen and Catherine
Awesome Foursome ladies.
NHS – cancer, breast screening and homeless health
Volunteering – @CancerCareMap
@FullFrameCoach – public health, #CoachPony, #ICF
@JamyangBuddhismCentre – Geshe la, Rinpoche, Venerable