The wintery festive season is definitely upon us now. I’ve been to two Christmas Fairs, enjoyed a Christmas team lunch, decorated my home whilst listening to carols and enjoyed some mince pies already. And it’s only the 4th December!

One of the things I’m noticing in conversations with friends and family (and my hairdresser!) at the moment is the need for some quiet time and solitude. It’s really striking that after two Christmas seasons affected by Covid-19, people are saying how much they appreciated the enforced quiet in recent years and want more of that this year.
I too am ready for a quiet Christmas period, although I’m clearly not ignoring it. Instead, I’m trying to spread out the festive catchups so they don’t all come at once. I’m also thinking about my week off between Christmas and New Years, and how I balance spending time with friends and also enjoying my own company at home with the cat.
I’m excited about having some festive rest this year! That sounds like a bit of an oxymoron doesn’t it.
How’s your December shaping up? Is it how you want it to be? I’d love to hear from you.
Love Liz xx
PS - If you’re already thinking about what you want from 2023, and not just your December, you might also want to take a look at our Rethinking Goals workshops – it’s a perfect Christmas present for yourself or as a #giftvoucher for your partner or your best friend!